Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last Day of Classes

Yesterday's post looks so neat, so sane. The truth, as always, is much messier. It felt like an entire week-long day of wrestling with technology. I tussled with the blog for an endless amount of time to let it accept my pictures. Then, after numerous attempts to get the School Specialty order submitted correctly, I had a minor melt-down with my very kind department head. I got home to find that the digital camera promised to arrive was not, in fact, here (as was not the Ipod – not necessary to the project, but still eagerly awaited). I feel as if I am bush-wacking through until Sunday-- struggling to push through yards of vines and being hit in the face with brambles, swatting mosquitos as I go. When Sunday arrives, will I have the energy to get on the plane? Ah-- pray for calm.

I decided to bring silly bands and maple sugar candy to Germany for the class I'm teaching. So here's something different-- a picture of Georgie on the horse at Vidler's

1 comment:

  1. How Cool! My sisters both have blogs! Best Wishes for a WONDERFUL trip, Sis!

    Love, Margie
